Comments for Reader's Digest Fri, 08 Sep 2023 11:58:08 +0000 hourly 6 Comment on 45 Things Pilots Wish Airline Passengers Knew by coloradobear Fri, 29 May 2015 17:59:48 +0000 In reply to Guest.

So many people want to be up front so they can be the first off the plane when it arrives at the gate. Consider this. If the plane crashes, you’re also the first to arrive at the scene and with the full weight of the plane directly behind you..

Comment on 26 Things Your Mother-in-Law Is Secretly Thinking by Fred Flint Tue, 24 Mar 2015 05:26:00 +0000 Advice from a mother that doesnt know boundries.

Comment on 13 Things You Didn’t Know About Online Travel Sites by Garrett Tue, 24 Mar 2015 03:39:00 +0000 Whatever you do…. Do not book through Expedia. I booked a trip to Punta Cana through them and nearly ever part of the trip was incorrect. I spent more time fixing their mistakes than I did enjoying the beach. The customer service is terrible. In fact, I am currently on the phone with them trying to get a refund for a part of my vacation and have been on hold for a total of 65 minutes. Dont waste your time. Book through someone else.

Comment on 50 Secrets Your Veterinarian Won’t Tell You by Irka Redelsperger Mon, 23 Mar 2015 22:44:00 +0000 In reply to Proud future Ross DVM.

I am a Ross grad. It was an amazing experience! In clinics, I knew just as much, if not more than the other students. The practical experience you get is the best. I had a chance to transfer to a state-side school, but decided I would benefit more from staying. As a side note, the people I know that went to St. George, ended up there because they failed out of Ross… that said, I have also met some great vets that went there as well.

Comment on 17 Rose Color Meanings to Help You Pick the Perfect Bloom Every Time by Victor Brady Sun, 22 Mar 2015 11:03:00 +0000 In reply to Victor Brady.

*HUGE win*

Comment on 17 Rose Color Meanings to Help You Pick the Perfect Bloom Every Time by Victor Brady Sun, 22 Mar 2015 11:01:00 +0000 I had decorated my girlfriends bed when she was a sleep at night with 54(the number depends from imagination) red roses and put one white rose on the pillow next to her with a note which said “You are One from a million”.what can I say in conclusion?HUGE in relationship and when I asked for her hand she said yes.guys try this and see how your beloved woman will be happy.

Comment on HR Reps Confess The Most Cringe-Worthy Things They’ve Seen From Job Candidates by BadWhisky Wed, 18 Mar 2015 22:51:00 +0000 I had an applicant once told me she really did not know allot about the work she was applying for but could learn.

Comment on 22 Unique Easter Egg Decorating Ideas by Jen Wed, 18 Mar 2015 01:35:00 +0000 Just search Oversized TickleMe Plant Easter Egg to grow a tickleme plant that closes its leaves when you Tickle it. Yes you can grow it in the egg!

Comment on 13 Inexpensive Beauty Tricks Only Stylists Know by Lillian Neal Mon, 16 Mar 2015 16:28:00 +0000 I’VE USED HAND LOTION (JERGENS HAND LOTION) THE ORIGINAL. I’VE NEVER HAD PIMPLES, EVERYONE THINKS I LOOK 45, I’M 68. LOVE THE COMMENTS…

Comment on HR Reps Confess The Most Cringe-Worthy Things They’ve Seen From Job Candidates by Phillip Rose Sun, 15 Mar 2015 13:54:00 +0000 HR “professionals” hire plain vanilla candidates with at best “average” results. After 35 years in business at the senior level dealing with said “professionals” I can honestly say most of them would have rejected Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Henry Ford.

Comment on 13 Inexpensive Beauty Tricks Only Stylists Know by lavenderlin Sun, 15 Mar 2015 13:52:00 +0000 Obviously She Knows doesn’t know that petroleum jelly is made from petroleum and isn’t good to put on your body. 66% of what you put on your skin goes into your body. Olive or coconut oil are good make-up removers. Also she should know that you don’t need all that garbage on your face to be beautiful. Also that if your face is producing oil it is to moisturize and protect your skin probably from all that make-up.

Comment on A Fascinating Look at How Doctors Choose to Die by Andras Nagy Sun, 15 Mar 2015 12:27:00 +0000 In reply to Boris.

I agree, but if you DO have faith what’s wrong with staying home and trying to be comfortable? Maybe use some homeopathic or unconventional methods? Being in the hospital may destroy ones spirit and hopes.

Comment on 22 Unique Easter Egg Decorating Ideas by djabeck Sun, 15 Mar 2015 09:27:00 +0000 In reply to JaiGuru.

There are eggs you can buy that look real but are not, they dye just like real ones, but the kids can keep them year after year.

Comment on 13 Things Baristas Won’t Tell You by kath marie Sun, 15 Mar 2015 01:40:00 +0000 STARBUCKS SENDS THEIR BARISTAS TO SCHOOL?! What an outrageous, total fallacy. Starbucks expects you to have a working knowledge of coffee and then throws you to the wolves…and frankly, that’s the only way you learn. It requires nerves of steel, not letting coffee snobs and impatient people rent space in your head…and this allows you to appreciate all the wonderful people you meet at this job, who have saintly patience, kindness and just want to be kind to the harried, busy barista too. To all my sweet, wonderful customers, thank you! To all the coffee snobs and impatient self-centered customers, thank you also: you make me appreciate that my mom taught me good manners and kindness for others.

Comment on 13 Things Baristas Won’t Tell You by kath marie Sun, 15 Mar 2015 01:35:00 +0000 In reply to Matt Dawson.

Matt, you are also a person with an extremely kind heart, a good sense of himself and someone who is aware of the inner soul of many people: the good, the crabby and the just snotty. And you let the bad stuff roll off your back. As a middle aged barista still learning this art you will be my role model. Thank you for your sweet wisdom!

Comment on HR Reps Confess The Most Cringe-Worthy Things They’ve Seen From Job Candidates by Laslo Bigsby Sat, 14 Mar 2015 14:27:00 +0000 How about sharing stories about the applicants who applied for jobs and what they had to deal with from the interviewers? I have had at least three interviews in my past, where the people I interviewed with were unprofessional, rude and disrespectful!

Comment on What HR People Won’t Tell You About the Job Interview by JW Thu, 12 Mar 2015 03:53:00 +0000 Is it any wonder why HR always hires the wrong people and pisses off the whole outfit? We need to get rid of people that don’t add value and pretend to serve a managerial function.

Comment on HR Reps Confess The Most Cringe-Worthy Things They’ve Seen From Job Candidates by Andre5000 Thu, 12 Mar 2015 03:47:00 +0000 In reply to Wzystko Cokham.

Oh, definitely. When I’m hiring people for a 20 million dollar project, that’s success depends on my ability to keep my job, and determines my bonus, pay raises, and my ability to feed my family, i DEFINITELY hire “da pretty girl lolz” and not the person most capable of doing the job.

Comment on A Fascinating Look at How Doctors Choose to Die by SoCal Thu, 12 Mar 2015 00:39:00 +0000 My wish would be to send me to the most cutting edge treatment not yet available, and make it happen, ill be the first to try a solid experiment and if it works great. If not it can benefit the future. I will do my part.

Comment on Her Husband Vanished Without a Trace—15 Years Later, the Doorbell Rang by Cyrus2 Wed, 11 Mar 2015 14:24:00 +0000 In reply to Peggy Wellington.

We had a guy in the VA hospital who had to wear a helmet!

Comment on Her Husband Vanished Without a Trace—15 Years Later, the Doorbell Rang by Debra Blickensderfer Wed, 11 Mar 2015 12:42:00 +0000 In reply to Pinkytoe.

My thoughts exactly. Who has that many accidents, over and over?

Comment on 26 Things Your Mother-in-Law Is Secretly Thinking by lisalu Wed, 11 Mar 2015 01:42:00 +0000 I am very lucky I don’t have any issues like these with any of my three DIL’s. In fact they usually call me and stay in touch with me more than my sons do! I don’t feel any sense of competition for my “baby boys”. Quite the opposite, I am delighted to know that they are now in good hands. My job here is done, and I’ve passed the baton. I’m glad to know they are with somebody who has their back, and makes sure they get their checkups, go to the dentist and eat healthy meals. They have somebody else to put her foot down and refuse to let them get a motorcycle or go skydiving (they wouldn’t listen to me anyway.) So bring on the DIL’s. They can be – and SHOULD be – a mother’s best friend!

Comment on HR Reps Confess The Most Cringe-Worthy Things They’ve Seen From Job Candidates by JwpATX Tue, 10 Mar 2015 20:26:00 +0000 In reply to Cindy Kay.

DUH. Also, are you calling the other guy, “too?” Because there’s no reason for that comma Ms. English major.

Comment on Her Husband Vanished Without a Trace—15 Years Later, the Doorbell Rang by Dostra Mon, 09 Mar 2015 20:59:00 +0000 I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed reading a more fascinating story. I’m delighted they were able to resume their lives.

Comment on Her Husband Vanished Without a Trace—15 Years Later, the Doorbell Rang by ErichVonZipper Mon, 09 Mar 2015 18:04:00 +0000 In reply to Dee Bell.

Google move called “A Stranger to Love.” 1985 Lifetime movie about this situation. In other words, unless they made up the movie too this story is real.

Comment on Her Husband Vanished Without a Trace—15 Years Later, the Doorbell Rang by petuniababi Mon, 09 Mar 2015 15:48:00 +0000 In reply to najuma.

I would love to be like Ann also.A wonderful loving lady.

Comment on 26 Things Your Mother-in-Law Is Secretly Thinking by marriedone Sun, 08 Mar 2015 21:08:00 +0000 this is pretty one sided.. i call my MIL to thank her for everything, Im always respectful and include her in even my family events.. none of that stops her from trying to take over and baby my husband now more than she ever has in his entire life! And i know b/c we were friends first, dated for 9 yr, and have been married for 3. All of a sudden SHE wants to throw his bday party, SHE wants to bake heart shaped cakes for Valentines day, etc.. seriously? it would be one thing if that had always been her, but this is new behavior

Comment on HR Reps Confess The Most Cringe-Worthy Things They’ve Seen From Job Candidates by Sherrie Henry Sun, 08 Mar 2015 20:43:00 +0000 I’ll bet a lot of those people were just going to interviews to stay on their unemploymnent.

Comment on HR Reps Confess The Most Cringe-Worthy Things They’ve Seen From Job Candidates by Blackhawk Sun, 08 Mar 2015 20:15:00 +0000 No diversity in the stock pictures about these stupid interviewees. Why not?

Comment on 22 Unique Easter Egg Decorating Ideas by kidsgardener Sat, 07 Mar 2015 23:42:00 +0000 Here’s another. You get a 6 inch Easter egg to Paint and Grow a TickleMe Plant in it. TickleMe Plants will close their leaves and lower their branches when tickled and grow in the painted EGG!. Just search TickleMe Plant Easter Egg on line or Amazon
